Hair pH and Conditioners
The purpose of a hair conditioner is to change the ph of the hair and make it soft.
The outside layer of the hair, which is called the cuticle layer, opens with just the use of water. When shampoo or chemicals are used the cuticle layer expands even more causing the outer layer to become vulnerable to breakage.
The purpose of the conditioner is to close and compact the outer layer (lower the ph).
When applying any chemical service on the hair such as color, relaxing, and perming, the ph of hair changes
drastically; the cuticle layer expands and can be broken, cracked, or chipped off. To prevent damage or breakage, it's important
to balance the hair's ph and compact the outer layer after any chemical has been used on the hair. Immediately!
There are many different types of conditioners to use after a chemical service, but they all have the same purpose, to bring hair back to its original ph 4.5 - 5.5, and to close the
cuticle layer of the hair.
Before applying the conditioner to the hair, your ultimate goal is to make sure all the chemical has been removed from the hair. No residue or trace of any product should be left on the hair, not even shampoo.
Because most chemical services are Alkaline and most conditioners are acid, the conditioner will neutralize the level of alkaline to bring the hair back to its
balanced ph.