Sunday, July 16, 2017

How To Shampoo Your Hair.

Steps on How To Shampoo

 Lets go back to the basics.

A lot of people don't know how to shampoo correctly, especially children learning personal hygiene.
One of the most frequent questions I am asked, “How often should I shampoo?”
I usually don't recommend shampooing everyday unless you absolutely have to. There are cases when you should shampoo everyday: a person who has over excessive oils, a person who has dirt on the hair and scalp due to dirty working conditions,  or a person who uses a lot of hair products should shampoo every day.

Naturally our skin dies and sheds all the time, even on our scalp. Environmental dirt particles, oils, sweat from our skin, and products we use,  gather on the hair and if not thoroughly cleaned off can cause some problems such as scalp irritations, scalp acne, and fungal growth.
The best way to get rid of this debris, and build up, is to brush the hair thoroughly and shampoo the hair and scalp enough to make the hair clean. Using the right shampoo helps, so it is important to find a shampoo that works for  you.
There are different shampoos designed for different purposes. I will have another blog describing different shampoos and the importance of brushing the hair later.

 To clean the scalp and hair.

1. Completely saturate the hair first.(about 1-2 minutes)

The  purpose:
  • To help with evenly distributing the shampoo through the hair
  • To soften the scalp debris 
  • To loosen the scalp debris

2. Apply enough shampoo to produce a lather.

  • The amount of shampoo a person uses can depend on length of hair, but for the first shampoo concentrate on the scalp area when applying the shampoo, that's where the oils are. Then work the suds out to the ends. Start with a quarter size amount to produce a lather.
  •  Sometimes a good lather isn't produced the first shampoo because of debri, it's important to shampoo twice to make sure it is thoroughly cleansed. 
  • You want to break up the oils and dead skin on the scalp so it will be completely removed. Don't be afraid to scrub the scalp, 
  • Having hard water hinders a good lather. If that is the case, you may need a higher ph shampoo, such as a hair clarifying shampoo.

3.  IMPORTANT! Rinse thoroughly.

   This will help to eliminate all loosened debris, which if not thoroughly rinsed can cause scalp irritation and itching when the hair is dried.

4.  Shampoo the second time using even less of shampoo.

    The better the lather the cleaner the scalp and hair become. This second scrubbing ensures the debri is being lifted from the hair and scalp.

5. Rinse thoroughly again leaving no lather, whatsoever!

The hair should be squeaky when you're completely rinsed. If not, you may need that third shampoo.
If you have oily scalp, work in a dirty environment, or use a lot of products, you may want a third scrubbing.

6. Apply conditioner, if needed, but only after a complete rinsing.

Personal hygiene is important, don't forget to cleanse all the areas of the body where there is hair.

Hopefully, this has helped you or someone you are teaching how to shampoo their own hair.


  1. Headlice are moved between people through personal contact or maybe the contact of infected objects like furniture, clothing, grooming items, toys or bedding A louse can only crawl, not jump from one sponsor to another or fly. Nevertheless, an infestation of head lice is frustrating when you face the problem.

  2. Yes, head lice can be frustrating, prevention is key. Tea tree oil products will deter lice contact on your body. Using tea tree shampoo and soap once or twice a week can help in the battle to prevent an infestation of head lice. There are also tea tree oil cleaning products, but they can only be effective if you are constantly cleaning the furniture, toys, and grooming tools. Here is a company, , you may be interested in. Prevention is an on going task. Good luck!


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